
Showing posts from August, 2023


The lgbo people of West Africa, Nigeria has an aged long tradition and cultural history, which most of them is imbibed in their daily activities, and can never be separated from their life style as people. One of these aged long historical and cultural background rituals, is the breaking of the Kola-nut by the lgbo's as a people. Traditionally in the lgbo land ( soil ) Kola-nut breaking rite's is among, many and most important  cultural heritage, which is very dear for them as a people among other historical traditional heritage as a people. The  Kola-nut breaking rituals, is exclusively done carried out by man, except in an event or gathering, where there is absence of any man, then the oldest woman or the titled, woman among them will perform the rites ( lwa Oji n'ala lgbo ) The lgbo people uses Kola-nut for hospitality and for the welcoming of visitors. It is very essential rituals for the lgbo natives, which is part and parcel of their culture, that is, if you v...


Gisternews Kola nut as we already know, has some variety's of species, the cola acuminata, cola nitida and garcinia kola, etc of the family of ( sterculiaceae ). But here our focus is on the topic of discussion, without diverting our attention to other area's of important concerning the kola nut, our area of focus is on 'what the kolanut (kola acuminata) forbids ( nso Oji lgbo). Kola nut Occupied a very important place, in the religious, traditional, cultural and the beliefs systems of the lgbo's  as a people, the natives partly See's Oji-lgbo (kola acuminata ), kola-nut as special and sacred fruits, that is why, it is respected, celebrated and appreciated more than any other fruits among the lgbo's as a people. The lgbo, Kola-nut ( Oji-lgbo ) is a sacred fruit that is used in many traditional and religious rites, rituals, ceremonies  and sacrifices etc. The Oji-lgbo, (kola-nut) has some certain things that's its, forbids, that's co...


EATING OF THE KOA-NUT Gisternews After the breaking rite's of the lgbo-kolanut, the next thing is the eating of the Kola-nut ( ita Oji lgbo) and every body can eat kolanut, the Hausa's Fulani's is known to be eating it in large quantity the Yoruba's and other African ethnic nationalities, as earlier discussed in our other topics concerning kola-nut, that there is other species of kolanut other than Oji-lgbo (lgbo kola nut) Cola acuminata botanically, like kworo, Cola Nitida the one cultivated by the Yoruba's in large quantity etc. The eating of the lgbo Kola-nut ( Oji-lgbo )  the Kola-nut is of one the cherished fruit nut seed or food, among others, in social cultural life of the lgbo people generally, for hospitality and welcoming guest, visitors and many other ceremonies and rituals. Whenever after the breaking of kolanut, it is shared in such a manner that's, it will reach to everyone present to eat. And if you are late, duri...


  GISTERNEWS Natives lgbo people of west Africa Nigeria, have varieties of rich cultural heretage in their daily activities, which they has being nurturing as a special and unique people. Speaking about lgbo people cultural heritage, you cannot separate their daily traditional and cultural mode of prayers, from their belief system or pattern of life. The lgbo traditional and cultural ways or mode of their daily prayer, is naturally enshrines in their  traditional belief system or their pattern of life. This is partly revealed, when you take a critical look to the proper meaning of ‘lse affirmation at the end of every traditional good-will prayer of the lgbo people, without diverting our attention to other area of interest in this very important topic, let take an expository look to the proper meaning of the ‘ lse’ , affirmation at the end of every traditional (cultural) lgbo prayer by the audience (congregation) of the lgbo people.     The ‘l se’ ...