
Showing posts with the label Kola Nut And The lgbo People


     Gisternews: [Oji lgbo- image Etsy photo]. Kola nut is an important, essential, unique and a popular fruits nut among the lgbo people of West Africa. It is a tropical nut tree plant, known to have varieties of species, but in this article to some extent, we will review, two important species's, that  is very dealy and quiet important to these sets of people in respects to their customs and traditions, historical background relating to the cultural inherent of the use, productions, consumptions, the respects accorded to Kola-nut by these people.  The Kola-nut have varieties, like the cola acuminata and cola nitida, garcinia kola etc. The kola acuminata, (botanically) has been identified to be the 'Oji lgbo ', that will be our area of concentration, others like, the kola 'nitida, cultivated by the Yoruba's in large quantities, enjoyed and known by the Hausa's as koro and the Garcinia kola (Akilu), Akanilu,  by the lgbo people, bitter kola ( Englis...