HOW TO PREPARE OKORO SUOP AND THE RECIPES NEEDED AFRIC RECIPE 1 Okoro Soup: okra is a vegetable flowering fruit shrub, botanically called Abelmosclus Esculentus (lating) or Hibiscus ecculentus,, may be because of it's flowering similarities with Hibiscus flowers, some of the European's know's it as, and, called it "Ladies Finger " , Okuru in Igbo Language, "Okwuru" by the people of Isukwuato of Abia State Nigeria. [Okro image: by Gisternews] Okoro has always been enjoyed from age to age all over the world. As a tropical flowering edible vegetable seed-pod crop or fruit, cultivated in Africa, South America, Asia, and now can grow all over the world, each country and people knows this Natural vegetable fruit, crop Okra with different names, and use's, it either as a food recipe, or it's other medicinal benefits, as a recipe because of it's very high quality level of nutritional benefits.But our focus ...