OKWA-OJI NA NDU N'DI IGBO Okwa-oji Gisternews Kola-nut is a very important and one of the most respected fruits among the lgbo speaking natives of Nigeria, West Africa.This particular fruits kolanut (Oji-lgbo) is adored, hornour and respected, among the lgbo people, that's traditionally, the people has a special dish (plate), designed specifically for the serving, offering, (presenting ) of kolanut to their guest, as a sign of hospitality, welcoming, embracement, peace, unity and joviality etc. This special dish (plate) for the Kola-nut presentation to a guest or groups of people, is what is called, ''Okwa-oji Culturally, It is carved (design) from wood work, ceramics, steel materials, nowadays some people design their own Okwa-oji from precious materials, onaments and stones, but in the absence of Okwa-oji, you can use Other thing...