
Kola nut as we already know, has some variety's of species, the cola acuminata, cola nitida and garcinia kola, etc of the family of (sterculiaceae). But here our focus is on the topic of discussion, without diverting our attention to other area's of important concerning the kola nut, our area of focus is on 'what the kolanut (kola acuminata) forbids (nso Oji lgbo).

Kola nut Occupied a very important place, in the religious, traditional, cultural and the beliefs systems of the lgbo's  as a people, the natives partly See's Oji-lgbo (kola acuminata), kola-nut as special and sacred fruits, that is why, it is respected, celebrated and appreciated more than any other fruits among the lgbo's as a people.

The lgbo, Kola-nut (Oji-lgbo) is a sacred fruit that is used in many traditional and religious rites, rituals, ceremonies  and sacrifices etc. The Oji-lgbo, (kola-nut) has some certain things that's its, forbids, that's compliment it's, and make it a special and a respected fruit-nut amongst the natives, for instance, a woman cannot climb the Kola-nut (osisi oji-lgbo) tree, to plug dawn the fruits, remembert is not that they cannot be able to climbed it. But it is forbidden among the lgbo as a people..

This is very close to what', Ajamma (2005:21) explained, he said', ''nwaanyi anaghi awa Oji ebe nwoko no, nwaanyi anaghi ari elu  Oji, ma onye ruru aru anaghi awa Oji n' Ogbako''. O.A.A Anedo explained more. ''N' UdI, nke di na steeti Enugwu, a ghotara na madu anaghi agba ukwu ufuru agho Oji-lgbo, ma nwaanyi enwekwa Ike iji nku Oji sie nri. Anedo (2004/63) says more ndi nwaanyi apughi igho Oji na - ala lgbo, ma ugbu a, ala aruoola na ha na-aghozi Oji''. 

Igbo kwekoritara na o bu nnani ndi okenye nwoke nwere ike iji nku Oji nyaa oku n' Obi ha. You cannot brake the Kola-nut in your cllosest and brings it out to serve your visitors, also woman cannot present Kola-nut, when the husband is around, or his husband's brother's or any other male child, is around in the house. In lgbo land you cannot urinate, or defficates under the Kola-nut tree, not only because of the Kola-nut, the lgbo's as a people upholds the life style's of cleanliness, just like the popular, saying that's cleanliness is nest to Godliness, for them, Kola-nut is sacred and everything sounding this wonderful and essential fruit must be wholesome and clean. 

All these and many more are the norm''s and tradition sorounding lgbo Kola-nut in lgbo's native's  land. (;Oji-lgbo).

Looking at the above explanation's it is very clear that the lgbo traditional ceremonies, sorounding Kola-nut, is specifically men affairs, except in a few area's, traditionally, assigned to the women's, rights from the historical background of the kola-nut (Oji-lgbo) and the lgbo native's people, like in the area safe keeping the and the preservations.

Gi bu onye lebara anya gi, na edemede a, onwe Kwara ihe ighotara gbasara, nso Oji n"ala Igbo?.


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