
Showing posts with the label Breaking The Kola-Nut By The Igbo People


The lgbo people of West Africa, Nigeria has an aged long tradition and cultural history, which most of them is imbibed in their daily activities, and can never be separated from their life style as people. One of these aged long historical and cultural background rituals, is the breaking of the Kola-nut by the lgbo's as a people. Traditionally in the lgbo land ( soil ) Kola-nut breaking rite's is among, many and most important  cultural heritage, which is very dear for them as a people among other historical traditional heritage as a people. The  Kola-nut breaking rituals, is exclusively done carried out by man, except in an event or gathering, where there is absence of any man, then the oldest woman or the titled, woman among them will perform the rites ( lwa Oji n'ala lgbo ) The lgbo people uses Kola-nut for hospitality and for the welcoming of visitors. It is very essential rituals for the lgbo natives, which is part and parcel of their culture, that is, if you v...