
Showing posts with the label Palm Tree And It's People


       PALM-TREE AND lTS PEOPLE   The palm tree is a tropical multipurpose and very useful economics tree plant. It is botanically, known as the Arecaceae, from the Arum family Arecaceae.The palm-tree has large family, of perinial flowering in monocot order Arecale, their growth stages varies, some are climbers, shrubs, tree-like, and stemless plant all commonly known as the palms. Those having a tree-like, form are called Palm tree. Nowadays over 181 genera with more than 2,600 species are found mostly in the sub tropical climate's. It is an ever green tree-plant known with fronds, that's arange at the top of the stem. A source of food, fuel and wealth, other products and by products. The lgbo natives of Nigeria West Africa Region, called it Akwu ('Nkwu) and the Hausa's, 'Gígínyàa, Gòorúbàa, also the Yoruba's culture's called, 'Igi Ope',. Palm-tree is a Symbolic's and ontological, for the lgbo natives of South Eastern Nigeria West ...