
Showing posts with the label ‘ISE’


  GISTERNEWS Natives lgbo people of west Africa Nigeria, have varieties of rich cultural heretage in their daily activities, which they has being nurturing as a special and unique people. Speaking about lgbo people cultural heritage, you cannot separate their daily traditional and cultural mode of prayers, from their belief system or pattern of life. The lgbo traditional and cultural ways or mode of their daily prayer, is naturally enshrines in their  traditional belief system or their pattern of life. This is partly revealed, when you take a critical look to the proper meaning of ‘lse affirmation at the end of every traditional good-will prayer of the lgbo people, without diverting our attention to other area of interest in this very important topic, let take an expository look to the proper meaning of the ‘ lse’ , affirmation at the end of every traditional (cultural) lgbo prayer by the audience (congregation) of the lgbo people.     The ‘l se’ ...