After the breaking rite's of the lgbo-kolanut, the next thing is the eating of the Kola-nut ( ita Oji lgbo) and every body can eat kolanut, the Hausa's Fulani's is known to be eating it in large quantity the Yoruba's and other African ethnic nationalities, as earlier discussed in our other topics concerning kola-nut, that there is other species of kolanut other than Oji-lgbo (lgbo kola nut) Cola acuminata botanically, like kworo, Cola Nitida the one cultivated by the Yoruba's in large quantity etc.
The eating of the lgbo Kola-nut (Oji-lgbo)
the Kola-nut is of one the cherished fruit nut seed or food, among others, in social cultural life of the lgbo people generally, for hospitality and welcoming guest, visitors and many other ceremonies and rituals.
Whenever after the breaking of kolanut, it is shared in such a manner that's, it will reach to everyone present to eat. And if you are late, during the sharing or after the eating of the Kola-nut, maybe it's didn't reached you during the sharing, see whats, Egbeson said (2001/40) ''ma onye o rughi, lgbo na-asi ka ndu rutu ya', ebe a ka udo, ihunanya, idinaotu, na ndidi Oji na-eweta na ndu ndi lgbo kacha aputa lhe''. In the other hand 'Uzukwu', (1983/14) called it, ….Osisi ndu na udo nke a anaghi echefu n'ekpere ututu''. The best Igbo kola-nut is called ' Oji-Ugo because when ever, it is brought and break in an Occasion or gathering, everything concerning such events or gathering will definitely go-well, smoothly, it is regarded by the people, as pure kola, parttly because it is white, perfect in strength and tastes, when, it is used to asked for anything good and pure in prayer, taste, smartly sweet ( ona gba sam na onu ) and the some whats bitter, which symbolically represent the sweetness and bitter part of human life and it is called Oji-Ugo, because of its featurestic resemblance of the Eagle, which the lgbo-people regarded as the king of the birds, not only because the Kola-nut is white, bright in color, like the fully matured Eegle.
There are other features, that's the lgbo natives, 'See's in 'Oji-Ugo', that make them to qualify this special kola-nut, that comes naturally with, bright, white color to the Eagle, for example it is scarce, like the Eagle.
As the people will normally expressed that, ''Anya huru Ugo, nele chaa ya-anya nke oma, maka na-anaghi ahu ya anya mgbe n'ile''. And also their is another popular saying that's always go with the Kola-nut, and it says…''Onye wetara Oji, wetara ndu'', maka na o bu Udo ka eji mara Oji.
Here, what's it means, is that, he who brings, Kola-nut, brings life, and at the same time kola-nut is, a symbol of joy, peace and happiness, for the lgbo people.
(1). Kola Nut And The lgbo People.
(2). Okwa-Oji Na Ndu N'di Igbo.
(3). Preservation Of The lgbo Kola Nut.
(4). Igbo Kola Nut Cotiledon.
(5). What The lgbo Kola Nut Forbids.
(6). Breaking The lgbo Kola Nut By...
(7). Ofor Holders And The lgbo Natives.
(8). Ise affirmations ln The Traditional..
(9). The Ogirisi Symbol And lgbo People.
(10). Palm Tree And lts People.
(11). KingShip Coronation ln Africa.
(12). How To Prepare Okra Soup And...
(13). Eating Of The Kola-Nut.
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