
Showing posts with the label Historical Connection Between Igbo's And The Kola N

Historical Connection Between The Igbo's And Kola Nut.

  Historical Connection Between The Igbo's And Kola N ut. Kola nut Occupied important positions in the life and beliefs, system of the Igbo natives, of Nigeria West Africa as a fruits.   The history of the Igbo people and their connection with kola nuts dates back to ancient times. According to Igbo oral legends, tradition, the origin of the Igbo people can be traced to a legendary figure named Eri. Eri is believed to be the progenitor of the Igbo people and the founder of the ancient city of Nri in present-day Anambra State, Nigeria.Kola nuts, known as "oji Igbo" in the Igbo language, hold great cultural and social significance among the Igbo people. They are considered sacred and are used in various ceremonies, rituals, and social gatherings. The kola nut is often used as a symbol of hospitality, friendship, and goodwill.In Igbo culture, the breaking and sharing of kola nuts is an important ritual that is performed during gatherings, meetings, and ceremonies....