THE IGBO KOLA-NUT COTILEDON Gisternews The Kola-nut is very essential, fruits nut for the lgbo people generally, for traditional hospitality and the welcoming of visitors. Also traditionally for the lgbo, during the breaking of the Kola-nut in an important meeting, gathering or events, for example traditional marriage ceremony, the number o cotiledon in the particular Kola-nut, presented for prayer and blessing, has ( meaning or message ) what it is saying for the people concerning, the meeting or such gathering, and the lgbo Kola-nut, cola acuminata ( Oji-lgbo ) is known for having many cotiledon, ( lbe-Oji or lbere-Oji ) for instance some normally come with, three cotiledon , four, five, six, seven, two and none cotiledon. So in an event's or gathering, when any of these numbers is witnessed in the breaking of the Kola-nut, presented for prayers and blessing, it has some messages or traditional interpretation, meaning attached to such number of the cotile...