
Showing posts with the label What The Igbo Kola-nut Forbids


Gisternews Kola nut as we already know, has some variety's of species, the cola acuminata, cola nitida and garcinia kola, etc of the family of ( sterculiaceae ). But here our focus is on the topic of discussion, without diverting our attention to other area's of important concerning the kola nut, our area of focus is on 'what the kolanut (kola acuminata) forbids ( nso Oji lgbo). Kola nut Occupied a very important place, in the religious, traditional, cultural and the beliefs systems of the lgbo's  as a people, the natives partly See's Oji-lgbo (kola acuminata ), kola-nut as special and sacred fruits, that is why, it is respected, celebrated and appreciated more than any other fruits among the lgbo's as a people. The lgbo, Kola-nut ( Oji-lgbo ) is a sacred fruit that is used in many traditional and religious rites, rituals, ceremonies  and sacrifices etc. The Oji-lgbo, (kola-nut) has some certain things that's its, forbids, that's co...