PRESERVATION OF THE IGBO KOLA-NUT Gisternews The Preservations of the lgbo kolanut is very important and it's required special and constant care, because of the nature's of the nut, after removing the nut from the pods ( shell ) of the kolanut, after harvesting, it is very necessary to preserved it, even the kolanut ''pod' serves as a preserving cassing for the nut, for a while. The nut of the kolanut as we know, did not like harsh-weather, hot temperature, or direct sunlight, that will cause it's to be dried up, there by making it, unable for human consumptions. So kolanut as we observed required some level of natural cool temperature or humidity, like the one, from natural pod's, to protect it from the above conditions. Another thing thats affects the, ' nut', of the kolanut, when not properly kept is the kolanut tiny maggot or buds that's infests the fruits some time from the tree or after harvesting. Therefore to preven...