
Showing posts with the label Eating Of The Kola-Nut


EATING OF THE KOA-NUT Gisternews After the breaking rite's of the lgbo-kolanut, the next thing is the eating of the Kola-nut ( ita Oji lgbo) and every body can eat kolanut, the Hausa's Fulani's is known to be eating it in large quantity the Yoruba's and other African ethnic nationalities, as earlier discussed in our other topics concerning kola-nut, that there is other species of kolanut other than Oji-lgbo (lgbo kola nut) Cola acuminata botanically, like kworo, Cola Nitida the one cultivated by the Yoruba's in large quantity etc. The eating of the lgbo Kola-nut ( Oji-lgbo )  the Kola-nut is of one the cherished fruit nut seed or food, among others, in social cultural life of the lgbo people generally, for hospitality and welcoming guest, visitors and many other ceremonies and rituals. Whenever after the breaking of kolanut, it is shared in such a manner that's, it will reach to everyone present to eat. And if you are late, duri...