
The Kola-nut is very essential, fruits nut for the lgbo people generally, for traditional hospitality and the welcoming of visitors. Also traditionally for the lgbo, during the breaking of the Kola-nut in an important meeting, gathering or events, for example traditional marriage ceremony, the number o cotiledon in the particular Kola-nut, presented for prayer and blessing, has  (meaning or message) what it is saying for the people concerning, the meeting or such gathering, and the lgbo Kola-nut, cola acuminata ( Oji-lgbo) is known for having many cotiledon, ( lbe-Oji or lbere-Oji ) for instance some normally come with, three cotiledon, four, five, six, seven, two and none cotiledon.

So in an event's or gathering, when any of these numbers is witnessed in the breaking of the Kola-nut, presented for prayers and blessing, it has some messages or traditional interpretation, meaning attached to such number of the cotiledon in such gathering or Occasion.

The language of the lgbo Kola-nut ( Oji-lgbo ) cotiledon ( ibe-oji ), interpretations or what the Kola-nut cotiledon,  said, or is saying, after the breaking of the nut.

 ihe lbe Oji na ekwu mgbe obula a awa chara ya, n' nmeme ma obu omumee eji Oji eme na-ala lgbo.

Now let's us look at what the number of the Kola-nut cotiledon, in the lgbo Kola-nut is, saying after the breaking of the Kola-nut in the traditional ceremonies.

Mana tupuu eme nke a, cheta Kwa na lgbo na asu Asusu na olu na olu, (Olu-nde ) mana esieyeh ndu, o buru otu ihe.


The lgbo Kola-nut with three cotiledon, (lbere Oji Ato) represent good things or sign. It is the 'Oji lkenga', it's signifies fruitfulness, longlife, prosperity. After breaking of the Kola-nut, the people that, witnessed this number of cotiledon after,  during the breaking, the people, will be happy and the event or ceremony will go well. 


Oji-lgbo with four cotiledon is also a good sign, that represent the people and their Ancestors, when the number is witnessed in a meeting or gathering. It's also show completeness, wholeness, because this, signifies or represent the lgbo four market's days calendar, (Eke, Orie, Nkwo na Aho ) 

In some places in lgbo native land, after the breaking of such kolanut, some pieces will be thrown out-side, because it represnts the people and their Ancestors (Anya Oji ), so they consider it necessary to give them, their own share, it also signifies fruitfulness.


The Kola-nut that has five cotiledon, after the breaking is a good sign, ( lbe Oji lse). It means good luck, prosperity, fruitfulness, whenever it is witnessed in an event's, the people will be happy, and what ever it is used for or prayed for, the thing or the events must definitely go well..


The Oji-lgbo that's comes with six and seven cotiledon is a sign of good omen (Oji ibe isii na asaa ) .

Whenever it is witnessed by the natives during a traditional events or ceremony. It means good-fortune, fruitfulness. In some places, like Isukwuato in Abia, when this number is (lbe isii na asaa ) witnessed, in an event's or ceremony, it will not be used, eaten immediately, it will be tied together and kept for a special day, for celebration, when the person that brought it, will gather  friends and loved one's to celebrate it, where he will kill fouls or goat, cook for them to eat, drnk and have marry. When this number is witnessed, another's kolanut will be brought and break in the above place mentioned and in some other places the people will also be happy, celebrate it, and also use it, for the event or gathering.

  • It is also very essential to know, thats lgbo Kola-nut (Oji-lgbo) comes with other rare numbers of cotiledon, which  the lgbo people don't tolerate, and such number's when witnessed, it will not be used for the said event. lt will be consider to represent a bad sign and it  will be dispise, disappreciated by the people, and they are 'Two, and  the one with None cotiledon.


As we all know that nature, has various ways of representing  or explaining things that's he created. For the lgbo's when an Oji-lgbo come with no cotiledon, it is regarded as a desecrated nut. It is called dumb kolanut, because it is dumb and is not saying anything. It will neither be eating or used for the event, and will be thrown away outside, it is scarce because Oji-lgbo normally comes with many cotiledon and is regarded as (Oji ogbi) dumb nut or kolanut.


The Oji-lgbo with two cotiledon is very rare, simply because lgbo Kola-nut, usually comes with many cotiledon and if such number occurred during the breaking of the kola nut, it is not a welcomed sign at all by the witnessers. It is also regarded as dumb kolanut.

This is line with what,' 'Ukaegbe', said (1991/42-43 ) ''O na-ego na egwu di, makana ebe mmadu abou na-akpa nkata ma otu onye n'ime ha anaghi ekwu ihe obula , onye nke ozo ga amalite nyowa ya enyo.

Such kolanut will neither be eating or used, for the said event, it is thrown away outside.

According to, 'Ogbalu', ( 1979/18 ) he said ''Onye wara Oji di otu, na awufu ya na mbara, iji gosi njuwapu isi n'ihe Oji ahu na-ekwu. It signifies less fruitfulness, if at all, it will not be wholeness and complete, and it is not welcomed by the people in many places, it will also be thrown away outside and will not be used for the said event, and another one, will be brought and use.


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