

     Gisternews: [Oji lgbo- image Etsy photo]. Kola nut is an important, essential, unique and a popular fruits nut among the lgbo people of West Africa. It is a tropical nut tree plant, known to have varieties of species, but in this article to some extent, we will review, two important species's, that  is very dealy and quiet important to these sets of people in respects to their customs and traditions, historical background relating to the cultural inherent of the use, productions, consumptions, the respects accorded to Kola-nut by these people.  The Kola-nut have varieties, like the cola acuminata and cola nitida, garcinia kola etc. The kola acuminata, (botanically) has been identified to be the 'Oji lgbo ', that will be our area of concentration, others like, the kola 'nitida, cultivated by the Yoruba's in large quantities, enjoyed and known by the Hausa's as koro and the Garcinia kola (Akilu), Akanilu,  by the lgbo people, bitter kola ( Englis...


PRESERVATION OF THE IGBO KOLA-NUT Gisternews The Preservations of the lgbo kolanut is very important and it's required special and constant care, because of the nature's of the nut, after removing the nut from the pods ( shell ) of the kolanut, after harvesting, it is very necessary to preserved it, even the kolanut ''pod' serves as a preserving cassing for the nut, for a while. The nut of the kolanut as we know, did not like harsh-weather,  hot temperature, or direct sunlight, that will cause it's to be dried up, there by making it, unable for human consumptions. So kolanut as we observed required some level of natural cool temperature or humidity, like the one, from natural pod's, to protect it from the above conditions. Another thing thats affects the, ' nut', of the kolanut, when not properly kept is the kolanut tiny maggot or buds that's infests  the fruits some time from the tree or after harvesting. Therefore to preven...


THE IGBO KOLA-NUT COTILEDON Gisternews The Kola-nut is very essential, fruits nut for the lgbo people generally, for traditional hospitality and the welcoming of visitors. Also traditionally for the lgbo, during the breaking of the Kola-nut in an important meeting, gathering or events, for example traditional marriage ceremony, the number o cotiledon in the particular Kola-nut, presented for prayer and blessing, has  ( meaning or message ) what it is saying for the people concerning, the meeting or such gathering, and the lgbo Kola-nut, cola acuminata ( Oji-lgbo ) is known for having many cotiledon, ( lbe-Oji or lbere-Oji ) for instance some normally come with, three cotiledon , four, five, six, seven, two and none cotiledon. So in an event's or gathering, when any of these numbers is witnessed in the breaking of the Kola-nut, presented for prayers and blessing, it has some messages or traditional interpretation, meaning attached to such number of the cotile...


       PALM-TREE AND lTS PEOPLE   The palm tree is a tropical multipurpose and very useful economics tree plant. It is botanically, known as the Arecaceae, from the Arum family Arecaceae.The palm-tree has large family, of perinial flowering in monocot order Arecale, their growth stages varies, some are climbers, shrubs, tree-like, and stemless plant all commonly known as the palms. Those having a tree-like, form are called Palm tree. Nowadays over 181 genera with more than 2,600 species are found mostly in the sub tropical climate's. It is an ever green tree-plant known with fronds, that's arange at the top of the stem. A source of food, fuel and wealth, other products and by products. The lgbo natives of Nigeria West Africa Region, called it Akwu ('Nkwu) and the Hausa's, 'Gígínyàa, Gòorúbàa, also the Yoruba's culture's called, 'Igi Ope',. Palm-tree is a Symbolic's and ontological, for the lgbo natives of South Eastern Nigeria West ...