
Showing posts from July, 2023


    'Ofor Holders And The lgbo Natives.                        GISTERNEWS Ofor ( ofor na ogu ) and the images that its conveys among the lgbo people of south eastern Nigeria, in the west African region. The lgbo’ traditional ‘ofor’ is gotten from a tree called Detarium Elastica, this particular tree is essential in the life of lgbo people generally, in some places in lgbo land, it is found in the village squres and communities playing grounds, where it also serves as a canopy or shades that’s protects people, from direct sunlight. it is important instrument and material of social and cultural order . It also have a material and mundane dimensions in the lgbo traditional belief system. It is called ofor by the lgbo people generally, but the tree from which this material come from is called, ‘ohoo tree’ by the people of ‘ Isukwuato ’ in Abia state, Nigeria west Africa region, this people uses the ...


GisterNews  KINGSHIP CORONATION IN AFRICA  This article is looking into kingship coronation      (Entrolment  Of  KINGS ) in the contemporary  time, (21st century) by Afrcan's,  Using Amune  Autonomous Community as a case Study..Amune is a remote Community in the "Larger Ovim Autonomous Community" in  Isukwuato L.G.A, known as', "The Land of Great People", in Abia State, North Senatorial Zone of Nigeria, West Africa. Demogulads.    Africa is widely known, believes, or assumed to be populated by the "dark Skin people '  which empirically can be statistically proven. In  some African communities Kingship is Hereditary in the past , while in many other Africans communities they are being Selected, Conferred mostly from the Royal tubinator  lineage, while in some other scenarios like in the recent time, they are being 'selected  by the people of the' said com...