Joblessness And lts Social Implications On The African Yourths
Joblessness and its social implications on the African youths Joblessness is a pressing issue across Africa, and Nigeria serves as a significant focal point when discussing the state of joblessness. The high levels of joblessness in Nigeria have severe social and economic implications, particularly affecting the youth population. Analyzing the situation provides insight into the challenges faced and offers potential solutions for moving forward. Meaning Of Joblessness the state of being without a job; the number of people without a job, in a defined area or economy and are ready, willing and able to work, but can't find or have. And the opposite of joblessness, is people with job and people that are working and earning or getting paid in order to make a living, also meet their basic necessities of life. Forms Of Joblessness The two broadest categories of joblessness are voluntary and involuntary. People who are voluntarily joblessed left their jobs willingly in search of ...